Why do we want kids to go to college? Isn’t it to prepare them for the future? Isn’t it so they can be self sufficient and not dependent on us? If this is all true, then why do we allow the majority of Professors to teach them to be dependent on government?
Last night I watched Professor Everett Piper speak about the intolerance and self loathing of students, all their neurosis and unfounded fears being exploited on college campuses everywhere for the last 40 year! They do not understand or learn core values! He said it was the education system that was totally at fault. They are creating self absorbed, fear filled types who are no good to themselves or society. He said they were taught theories and very little truth and next to no practical knowledge. The college environment was making them anxious, paranoid and unable to cope. He was very serious about this!
He talked about the subjects taken, most being irrelevant to a successful life and said it was time for college students to seek truth, not theory. He even said “the Book” referring to the Bible is greatly needed. He quoted Jesus, “Seek, and the Truth shall be revealed to you.” He said they simply do not seek truth!
I agreed with all of it until he said, but I wouldn’t allow Donald Trump to talk to my students because he just wanted to win and has no moral code! I thought he wanted honest dialogue and open learning but he is just a talker like they all are. Why not let the students listen and learn? Let them make up their own minds! Let them like or dislike Trump on their own terms. Let them listen to the policies and the vision, not just the emotion. Let them discuss the “sea of red”, the people of this country who voted overwhelmingly for Trump because they want America to be America unlike liberals in New York and Los Angeles who see themselves as quasi Europeans. Our founding fathers knew what they were doing when they set up the Electoral College, otherwise the two coasts would dictate to all of us how we should think and live. Our founders were afraid of New York even then! What a learning experience and he threw it away!
Colleges must allow critical thinking and get away from “trendy lefty classes” that do not enhance a students life or experience. Professors who give a passing grade as long as they show up, some who gave a grade to those who protested is abominable. Of course there are many students who figure out this nonsense pretty quickly and keep their heads down, their mouths shut and get what they can out of the system. They actually go to school to learn! But, the pathetic crybabies seem to get all the press.
College is not for everyone, many go but few graduate with meaningful degrees. It is time to focus on what they are actually learning to prepare them for a better life and the enrichment of this fine nation.
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