Let’s get real. Straws are not the problem. The filth in the streets is. Pollute the ocean you say? What about the human waste sliding down the streets directly into the storm drains and off to the beautiful Pacific? WE have way bigger problems than straws. Where are the environmentalists? It’s alright with them to pollute the city, trash our parks and streets? Quiet, noticeably quiet. Why? Because they are liberals for the most part and have empathy for drug addicts and losers.
THE mentally ill must be cared for. Every homeless person should be interviewed, if they are crazy they should be locked up! The mentally LAZY need to be warehoused. Take them off the streets, out of sight, out of our cities, put them in giant buildings in the middle of nowhere, feed them, cloth them and give them a decent place to shower and sleep. Make them accountable for their predicaments. THEY WON’T GO, you say? Oh yes they will if we enforce our vagrancy laws. Giving them tents and blankets is ridiculous. Allowing them to sleep in the street is beyond comprehension. Thousands of them! Put them in confinement and they might straighten up and fly right. Some will and can be helped but do drugged out people really care where they are?
WE don’t want to see them. We don’t want to pay taxes to allow them to destroy our cities, spread disease and live in our parks or on our sidewalks. They beg and scare people. They have rights? They forfeited their rights when they chose to be dredges of society. They pay for nothing and they take away our rights as citizens (us tax paying citizens) they do nothing for this country or themselves. Our elected officials are responsible and should be held accountable! It is their job to keep the city safe, clean and open to prosperity. What the hell are they doing?
Los Angeles has billions of dollars from all the tax increases, they must take care of this problem or suffer the wrath of the tax payer and don’t believe for a minute it isn’t coming. It could get real ugly people.
And another thing……how come they talk constantly about social security running out yet seem to have millions to feed and house illegals? We need a real accounting of the tax payers money.
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