When did we stop being critical thinkers? When did we decide to accept non-performing politicians and hold them to no accountability? What do we really expect from them and why do we allow them to continually to lie, promise the impossible and not hold them responsible for their lack of productivity. Politicians are not result oriented because they have never had to be. There is no other job in the world I can think of that would pay a person outrageous money to do a job they promise to do and then not do it! What promises do they keep? They come on as Santa Clause and when they get the job abandon all promises made on the stump. It is simply “the best liar wins”. They laugh at us because we do not hold them to their word. We deserve to be duped if we continue to allow no accountability. Donald Trump is pulling their masks off and they don’t like it. They want to continue their Georgetown cocktail party’s and lunches at high end restaurants on our dime, while their UBER limo waits outside with the meter running. They travel the world and do nothing also. We just give them free vacations. At last we have a man in the White House who doesn’t care about their parties and lunches but does care what they are doing and wants RESULTS. Let’s let him do his job, after all, it is we the people who are benefiting. Term Limits must be, Congress looks like an old age home.
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