They just are. The everyday American makes decisions daily, they don’t need committees or think tanks, they just do it. How? Common sense. They know what is good for their children for the most part and are disappointed in the government run schools. They are tired of being told everything works just give us more money. They can read and see our standings in the world in Mathematics, Language, Economics, and most realize we are not in competition with ourselves, we must lead the world. We can’t do that with Humanity Degrees and What Sex am I literature. We need engineers, computer specialists, builders, we must educate for the new world we are living in…not social nonsense.
Chinese are hear in droves working in high tech, stealing our innovation and being paid minimum wages! They would work for nothing…they are not here to work! They tell us our children are not educated to do these jobs! Wrong, our children with a tech education do not want to work for minimum wage!
Shut them down, hire American workers, train our kids or go out of business. I see the government finally realizing the National Security Issues, sort of like locking the barn after the horse ran off. Time to bring some integrity to these companies, they have NONE! They are multi billionaires, make them spend money on education of American workers or die. WE do not need Communist Chinese on missions here!
I am not talking about Chinese Americans. I am talking about the ones here for nefarious deeds. Like the birth scams, they come here, have the baby, go back to China and have full American benefits for future education, welfare, social programs etc…are we just stupid! We must change immigration Laws. If you are born here to illegal immigrant parents, you are not an American, you are the origin of your parent. Stop all this ridiculous raping of our country, it belongs to the American people, not Chinese Nationalists. Time to investigate everyone in our government who is involved in Chinese companies. Time to stop covering for evil doers and wake up.
Trump was elected to drain the swamp. It has turned out to be drain the Ocean! We the People must realize we are being had by both sides. I am an American, TRUMP is an American, let’s forget the labels and get busy.
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